Russian Trolls in Social Media

The Results of the Influenced Media

Russians are using social media in the states and around the world to change the opinions of the citizens in a more

subtle way. They do this by using advertisements and creating fake accounts that appeal to the public. These advertisements

and false posts are meant to appear as if they have good intentions as to respecting the opinions of the citizens yet on a deeper

level, they are working to change their opinions to such that are advantages to the russians.

How the Trolling Affects Society

This trolling subtly affects our society because it makes us think a certain way or believe a certain idea, even though it

may not be true. Methods like these are being used around the world to change the views of citizens. This is destructive

because it confuses people about the truths and the myths of the world around them.

How You Are A Possible Target And How You Can Protect Yourself

I and other people my age are even more likely to fall for this trick due to the fact that we are a more technologically

dependent generation. We tend to spend more time on social media and we are just beginning to form our own opinions

about how this country should be. The way we are taught to think in this crucial maturing stage of life will most likely

remain with us forever. We can protect ourselves from this influence by doing extra research to assure that the information

that is presented to us is from a legit and honest source.